Thursday, October 01, 2009


There are little green tomatoes growing on my very first tomato plant. The exact plant that my son gave me at the beginning of the summer that he started from a seed. It's been growing tall and blooming the sweetest little yellow flowers but then.....nothing. The flowers close up and drop off, never to do what I thought those little blooms were supposed to do. But last week I went out to do my usual watering, expecting to see the same green plant doing the same old thing and there in front of me were little green fruit hanging on the branches. Here it is, late in the tomato season. The weather is getting a little cooler and I thought that this plant would be the one plant in all of the city that hadn't produced a single yummy tomato. But oh the feeling of joyful surprise when I glanced down and saw that little green ball clinging tightly to the stem. Isn't that so like life? Wait, wait, wait... Many times with impatience and doubt. But that little green tomato reminded me that God does have a plan.... His plan. And His timing. Things may not always turn out with the results I had hoped for but many times, God reaches down and answers our prayers with a yes. Whatever His answer is, He asks that we trust Him in all things. So, I'm going to try to be a little more patient. I'm going to attempt, with the help of the Holy Spirit to remind myself that His timing is perfect. Isn't it amazing what a little tomato can do?