Monday, July 11, 2005

Fun with teens!

Well, Monday morning has hit and once again, the weekend went by faster than the flick of a snake's tongue. Kids were here, there and everywhere, as is usually the case anymore. More and more my better half and I seem to be doing things by ourselves, which is the way God intended as we get older. Though it never seems to fail, if we intend going out to eat, magically all 3 kids have nothing to do and either do the miriad of friends that are always in tow. But we really wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday after church we came home and power cleaned for 2 hours. You know what I mean. Everyone has a job and you are standing there, dishtowel in one hand and mop in the other yelling GO, GO, Go like a drill sargeant who's training his troops for war. We host our church Jr. High on Sunday evenings and last night was SWIM PARTY AND COOKOUT! We had hotdogs left so we called the High School and they came over too. FUN, FUN! We talked everyone into a rousing game of Catch Prase which is really interesting when you have the ages of 11 through 45 participating. There were some kids who had never heard of W. C. Fields or even John Lennon and his wife, Yoko. My, I had to say I felt a little ancient. Tim and I hit the hay at midnight and we still had kids here. What it would be like to be free and easy in the summertime again! On top of everything, 3 friends of my daughter's ending up spending the night. Like I said, fun at our house.

I'm so grateful for happy times. Good friends and the right kind of fun, either with adults or kids, make lasting memories. God is good and He's good to me.!

1 comment:

catalyst oxford said...

i wanted to thank you for posting a comment to my blog a while back. i'm the guy who is a fan of the pat brown worship band. i saw that their new cd is out and i can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

i read all of your postings tonight and, believe it or not, i was sitting here in the basement of a friend's house looking at their massive collection of board games while waiting on my computer to boot up and i saw catch phrase and thought, "hmm..i've never played that." i thought it was amusing that just after thinking that i read you had played it with the youth in your church.

i want to encourage you in your writing. you have a way with words and you are very eloquent. i can tell you are a woman who thinks deeply about our God. thank you for your honesty in sharing.