Monday, July 04, 2005

Reflection Day!

I've been thinking about it and I think today should have a subtitle. Reflection day. On a day like today, wouldn't it be great to take some time to consider all we have, our freedoms (and please don't take those lightly. There are people in other countrys that would trade places with us in a heartbeat), our families, our jobs, our health, our home?.... the list could go on and on. And then I believe we ought to step toward the mirror and look at the image being reflected back at us. Take a good look! What does the reflection look like? Have we taken advantage of the opportunities those freedoms have afforded us as a country, as communites, as families and as individuals in a positive way? I believe we have fallen well below the mark. My prayer today is that God would empower each of us, with the unique gifts that He has provided, to make a difference in our world, our communites, our families, our jobs, etc. We have an obligation to make full use of the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. But we must do it in a way that puts others before ourselves. We must do it, making sure our actions are pleasing to the only One that deserves our praise.

1 comment:

BayouMaMa said...

Beautifully said! Today it seems it's every man for himself. I think it's important for every parent to help their kids develop a work ethic...and give them opportunities to give back to others. It starts at home, doesn't it? There are so many opportunities to show kindness to others...we just have to get out of our comfort zones and just do it. As for me...I'm preaching to myself in this post. :-)